Supportive Housing Development Program

***If your organization has a current SHDP loan and you are interested in Supportive Housing Small Rehab (SH-Rehab) which offers forgivable loans $10,000-$200,000, contact [email protected] for more information.***

Supportive Housing Development Program (SHDP)

Financing is only available for acquisition, rehabilitation, and/or new construction of developments serving populations of homeless or non-homeless households with special needs, including:

  • People experiencing homelessness or imminently at risk of homelessness.
  • People with mental, physical or developmental disabilities.
  • People with substance use disorders.
  • Children in foster care and youth aging out of foster care.
  • Victims/survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking.
  • Adults re-entering the community after being released from correctional facilities. 

Financing is also available for housing that serves other special populations on a case-by-case basis. For-profit organizations may only apply for SHDP if their project creates integrated supportive housing.

The housing must serve individuals and families who earn below 50% of area median income. Rent and utilities cannot exceed 30% of the gross household income. 

SHDP Eligibility Requirements 

Nonprofit organizations must have had their 501(c)3 designation for at least three years to apply and must be able to provide the most recent certified audit that is less than 12 months old. Organizations must have a minimum of three years’ experience providing supportive housing or providing supportive housing services for the population in the intended project. Organizations which have not completed a successful affordable multi-family housing development project within the last seven years must work with a qualified consultant or partner with a more experienced nonprofit organization.

Proposed projects located within CDBG Entitlement Areas may receive interest-free loans of up to $1,200,000 or 60% of project cost, whichever is less. While projects in Non-Entitlement Areas may receive up to $1,300,000 or 70%, whichever is less.

SHDP Program Guidelines

To learn more about the program requirements, please review the SHDP Program Guidelines.

Appendix A
SHDP Project Description and Site Visit Request Form 

Appendix B
NCHFA Site Criteria

Appendix C
SHD Property Inspection 

Appendix D
SHDP Design Standards

Appendix E
Building Material Quality Standards

Appendix F
SHDP Energy Efficiency Standards

Appendix G
SystemVision Residential Supportive Housing Standards

Appendix H
Sample Detailed Work Write-Up

Appendix I
Required Documentation for Final Commitment Letter and Loan Closing

Appendix J
North Carolina CDBG Entitlement Areas 

Appendix K
Sample Project-Based Rental Assistance Letter

Appendix L
DHHS Priority Areas

How Do I Apply for Funding?

After reviewing the Program guidelines, the potential applicant must submit the SHD Project Description and Site Visit Request Form to request a meeting and site visit.  If the proposed project includes rehabilitation, potential applicants must also submit the SHD Property Inspection Form

All proposed sites and projects must be approved by NCHFA before a full application can be submitted. There are two parts to the full application:

When Does Each Funding Cycle Begin?

We offer financing through the Supportive Housing Development Program on a competitive basis once a year. A Notice of Funding Availability is emailed to interested parties when funding is available. 

For more information on how to apply for Supportive Housing Development financing, please contact a Supportive Housing Development team member at [email protected]