This webinar will provide an overview of Freddie Mac's partnership with NCHFA and the HFA Advantage program. There will also be a deep dive into Loan Product Advisor and the important enhancements that were recently made.
Webinar-based training for Closers and Post-Closers that require access to our Online Lender System (OLS) for the NC Home Advantage Mortgage™, the NC 1st Home Advantage Down Payment and the NC Home Advantage Tax Credit programs.
Learn about the Agency’s home ownership programs—the NC Home Advantage Mortgage™, NC 1st Home Advantage Down Payment and NC Home Advantage Tax Credit, and a brief summary of the Community Partners Loan Pool.
Webinar-based training for Processors, Underwriters and Secondary Staff that require access to our Online Lender System (OLS) for the NC Home Advantage Mortgage™ and NC 1st Home Advantage Down Payment programs.