Request Public Records

Please note that this Public Records Request system only pertains to requests from the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency. Requests for records from any other state agency or entity should go directly to the agency or entity in question. 

Introduction to Public Records Act 
The North Carolina Public Records Act, N.C.G.S. §§ 132-1 et seq., expresses the policy of the State of North Carolina with respect to public records as set forth in § 132-1(b):

The public records compiled by the agencies of North Carolina government or its subdivisions are the property of the people. Therefore, it is the policy of this State that the people may obtain copies of their public records free or at minimal cost unless otherwise specifically provided by law.”

The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency (the “Agency”) is committed to transparency, ethics and accountability. To that end, it is the Agency’s policy to be open and responsive to records requests from the public and the news media. It is the policy of the Agency to comply with the North Carolina Public Records Act and other applicable federal and state laws. This document sets forth the Agency’s protocol for the release of public records.

North Carolina law does not require the Agency to respond to a request for a public record by creating or compiling a record that does not exist. The Agency is similarly not required to put a record into electronic form if that record is not already kept in that medium.

Agency Response Time 
The Agency will acknowledge receipt of the request within 5 business days and then will work with the requestor to produce the records as promptly as possible given the scope of the request and the time needed to respond and/or redact any confidential information.

Fee Schedule 
The Agency may charge the requestor the Agency’s actual costs incurred in filling specific records requests.  The Agency will make an effort to identify any costs prior to the request being filled in case the requestor decides not to continue or wishes to change the scope of the request.

How to Submit a Public Records Request  
It is the Agency’s policy to request that all requests be in writing in order for the Agency to provide clarity as to the scope of the request and to create appropriate documentation for monitoring, time and cost. If a request is broadly worded, the Agency may confer with the person making the request to try to better understand the particular records the requester is seeking.  Narrowing a request will limit the expenditure of Agency resources, may help to avoid any unnecessary costs, and may permit the Agency to respond in a shorter time period.

You may submit your request via our electronic form (below), by mail or special carrier (UPS, FedEx, etc), or by email. Your request should include the following your full name, phone number, email address, your organization’s name (if applicable) and a description of the public records sought, being as specific as possible. If you are requesting inspection, we will make documents available at the Agency’s physical address during regular business hours with a member of the Agency staff present during the inspection.

Please note that if you are a borrower and inquiring about your loan or would like a copy of your loan document, you will need to contact our servicing department directly. 

Submit an Electronic Request

Or mail request to: 
Public Records Requests 
North Carolina Housing Finance Agency 
3508 Bush Street 
Raleigh, NC 27609
