RALEIGH—Vulnerable, low-income households in need of home rehabilitation in Cleveland, Cumberland and Richmond counties will receive help thanks to the NC Housing Finance Agency’s Essential Single-Family Rehabilitation Loan Pool, which finances this assistance through local governments and nonprofit agencies. These repairs help veterans, seniors and persons with disabilities stay in their homes, saving on health care and long-term care costs. Communities also benefit: the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies recently reported that home rehabilitation investments boost surrounding property values.
The Cleveland County CDC, the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina and the Sandhills Community Action Program join 22 other organizations that received funding earlier this year. [EDITOR see full list of awardees at end.] Altogether, $8 million will assist households with members who are elderly, have disabilities or are veterans, and whose incomes are below 80 percent of their area’s median in 30 counties. Homes with lead hazards occupied by a child 6 years of age or younger may also qualify.
“This program targets rehabilitation that is essential to the health and safety of household members. By keeping our most vulnerable citizens in their homes and out of costly institutional care, this program secures a substantial return on investment and helps stabilize neighborhoods statewide,” said Scott Farmer, NC Housing Finance Agency executive director. To date, the Agency’s home rehabilitation investments have improved homes in 720 communities, preserving $368 million in property value.
Homeowners can learn more and search for a local partner offering assistance at www.nchfa.com/current-homeowners/repairing-your-home or by calling 919-877-5655.
The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency, a self-supporting public agency, has financed 282,080 homes and apartments since its creation in 1973.
Essential Single-Family Rehabilitation Loan Pool Award Recipients
- Beaufort County (Beaufort)
- Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity (Duplin)
- Choanoke Area Development Association of NC, Inc. (Halifax)
- Cleveland County CDC (Cleveland)
- Coastal Community Action, Inc. (Carteret)
- Columbus County (Columbus)
- Forsyth County (Forsyth)
- Four Square Community Action, Inc. (Cherokee)
- Gates County (Gates)
- Kerr-Tar Regional COG (Franklin and Granville)
- City of Kinston (Lenoir)
- Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina (Cumberland)
- Mountain Housing Opportunities, Inc. (Buncombe)
- Mountain Projects, Inc. (Jackson)
- Piedmont Triad Regional Council (Caswell, Davie, Randolph, Stokes and Yadkin)
- Robeson County (Robeson)
- Rutherford County (Rutherford)
- Sandhills Community Action (Richmond)
- Town of Tarboro (Edgecombe)
- Triangle J COG (Durham and Harnett)
- Tyrell County (Tyrell)
- Western Piedmont COG (Alexander and Catawba) Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministry, Inc. (New Hanover)
- City of Wilson (Wilson)