Press Contact Only:
Margaret Matrone, NCHFA, 919-877-5606,
Connie Helmlinger, NCHFA, 919-877-5607,
The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency celebrated $10 million of investments in Habitat for Humanity homes statewide at a brief ceremony today. The ceremony, held at the Agency’s offices, recognized the Caldwell County Habitat for Humanity for building the home that enabled the Agency to cross the $10 million benchmark.
NCHFA Chairman Lucius S. Jones presented a plaque to Wendi Lucas, field operations support specialist for Habitat for Humanity International, and a certificate to Pete Kidder, executive director of the Caldwell Habitat.
"By working with Habitat for Humanity affiliates across the state, we have been able to expand the housing opportunities available for North Carolinians with lower incomes,” said Jones.
The N.C. Housing Finance Agency’s $10 million investment has enabled 56 North Carolina Habitat for Humanity organizations to build homes worth more than $60 million for 682 families.
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