The Census Bureau, in collaboration with researchers and Harvard and Brown universities, has published nationwide maps showing the neighborhoods where children who grow up poor have the best—and the worst—chances of escaping poverty. Local officials and policymakers across the country are planning ways to use this data to create more opportunities for low-income families. In Seattle, public housing authorities who issue Housing Choice Vouchers (formerly called “Section 8”) are testing policy changes that will help voucher-holders move to neighborhoods with better child outcomes. Charlotte, NC, created the Opportunity Task Force to find ways to address the city’s history of segregation and resulting disparities in opportunity for white and black children.
To explore the maps, visit: https://www.opportunityatlas.org/
To explore data related to housing in North Carolina, check out our State of Housing web map: https://www.nchfa.com/about-us/research-reporting-and-policy/housing-research